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Bacău, Romania: 15th - 16th April 2021

This conference is organized by the Interstud and Cetal research centres, at the Faculty of Letters, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Romania, in collaboration with:

University of Lorraine, Research centre for mediations (France)

Faculty of Letters, Languages, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Corsica

Pasquale Paoli (France)

University of Messina (Italy)

Atatürk University, Erzurum (Turkey)

University of Bordeaux 3 (France)

Moldova State University (The Republic of Moldova)

HELMO/ESAS, École supérieure d’action sociale (Belgium)

The Francophone University Agency

The Association for the Development of Francophone Studies, Bacău (Romania)

The concept of identity has always been a very difficult one to define. Its ambiguity, vagueness,   versatility   and   pervasiveness   do   not,   however,   cancel   its   indispensability   in   a world increasingly marked by the need to draw clear boundaries of selves and communities. Philosophical, logical, psychological or linguistic research, particularly in its modern and postmodern incarnations, has never ceased to underline that identity cannot be conceived in the absence of alterity. It is indeed in the continuous struggle between sameness and otherness that the elements necessary for the constitution of identity can be found. Such struggles periodically produce the so-called “identity crises” (Erikson, 1968) that are necessary steps for the evolution of an individual or of a group of individuals. Crises become important factors in the continuous formation of identities, as they are based on the confrontation between the old and the new, between past and present, between conventionalized structures and emerging paradigms that challenge those structures.

The construction of identities in today’s world is profoundly conditioned by specific cultural and technological evolutions. The advent of the digital age has made possible an explosion of forms of self-expression, but this multiplication of possibilities has been accompanied by disturbing and rather chaotic social phenomena. More than at any other time in human history, we need to assume the task of reconfiguring identities that are augmented, multiplied and ceaselessly threatened by the spectrum of dissolution. Contemporary practices and modes of existence predispose identities to a high degree of instability and ephemerality, resulting from the accelerated change of roles, jobs and functions. This leads to a kind of anxiety that can be only provisionally appeased.

The acceleration of processes at all levels in our society (especially in technology, family and education) renders difficult any analytical and predictive endeavours in this respect. Understanding identity as “an individual’s or a group’s sense of self” (Huntington, 2005) stresses the role of psychological factors involved in the definition of selves. If nations and, more generally, societies can be seen as “imagined communities” (Anderson, 1983), that is a result of a number of shared projections and interpretations of events, objects or territories coagulated into meaningful wholes through specific memory techniques. The investigation of the modes of preservation, transmission and alteration of identities is also an investigation of how the subjective blends with the objective, through numerous discursive manifestations, building up various and generally volatile intersubjective identities. We are, after all, but sums of discourses competing for supremacy in cultures evolving in indestructible and omnipresent language contexts, and “the limits of our languages are the limits of our world” (Wittgenstein, 1921).

The relation between individual and collective identities can never be sufficiently underlined, as it is by reference to a system of socially shared and transmitted values that one’s image of oneself is formed. In such formations, discursive forms play a crucial role. Identity has become an ever shifting and heterogeneous mosaic that includes multiple identifications with images provided from competing external systems. Thus, “the ascription of identity is the consequence of a choice among the criteria of identity” (Wieseltier, 1996). Choices of identity criteria are conditioned by predominant ideologies, expressed through discourses of power that create hierarchies of values subtending the vision of man adopted by a certain historical age. Our present world, despite its generous offer of various discursive forms, can render the task of identity very difficult. The lack of any clearly outlined body of ethical principles and values, the viral communication of false information posing as ‘true’, and  the  speed  with  which  identities  are  constructed,  deconstructed  and   reconstructed   –  all these factors create a cultural relativism eventually leading to frustration, unrest and disorientation.

One move against those negative phenomena would be to find ways of preservation of achievements, epistemes and values which could constitute solid premises for the building of perennial identities, at both individual and group levels. The interrogation of the modes in which our culture seeks authenticity and truth is essentially intertwined with the types of discourses that could be used to preserve our memory, to justify our choices and to form consistent and dependable identities.

We invite specialists in such fields as linguistics, discursive analysis, literature, communication studies, cultural studies, sociology, arts, philosophy, epistemology, logic, journalism, digital humanities, etc. to contribute papers addressing problems related to the issues presented above. The following topics are suggested, but by no means should they be considered exhaustive:

-  Patrimony and patrimonialization

-  Minorities, media and new media: problems, realities and perspectives

-  New forms and modes of self-expression in literary and non-literary discourse

-  Memorial discourse and subjective literature

-  Fiction and collective memory

-  Identity constructions and forms of communication

Paper proposals may be written in English or French and will be peer-reviewed. A selection of the papers will be published in Interstudia, an academic journal indexed in the EBSCO, CEEOL, INDEX COPERNICUS databases.

Please fill in and send a .doc or .docx registration form, by email, to, by 15th January 2021. The registration form must include:

1) Author information

– Name and surname:

– Academic title:

– Affiliation:

– Personal research areas:

– Representative publications (max. 3) :

– Email address:

– Telephone:

– Regular/mail address:

2) Submission proposal

– Title:

– Language of presentation:

– Language of publication:

– Topic (the conference topic in which the proposal could be included) :

– Five key-words:

– Abstract (250 words):

– Necessary equipment (if applicable):

Scientific committee

Audrey Alves, Crem, University of Lorraine – France

Brînduşa-Mariana Amălăncei, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Veronica-Loredana Balan,Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Ahmet Beşe, Atatürk University, Erzurum –Turkey

Iulian Boldea, Petru Maior University, Târgu Mureş – Romania

Elena Bonta, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Dumitru   Borţun,   National   School   of   Political   and   Administrative   Sciences,   Bucharest   –


Cristina Cîrtiţă-Buzoianu, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Elena Ciobanu, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Jean-François Diana, Crem, University of Lorraine – France

Mircea Diaconu, Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava – Romania

Luminiţa Drugă, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Felicia Dumas, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi – Romania

Béatrice Fleury, Crem, University of Lorraine – France

Mihaela Gheorghe, Transilvania University, Braşov – Romania

Ion Guțu, University of Moldova – The Republic of Moldova

Pierre Humbert, Crem, University of Lorraine – France

Simina Mastacan, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Nadia-Nicoleta Morărașu, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Pierre Morelli, Crem, University of Lorraine – France

Emilia Munteanu, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Sergio Piraro, University of Messina – Italy

Jean-Christophe Pitavy, Jean Monnet University, Saint-Étienne – France

Carmen-Nicoleta Popa, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Alina Elena Romascu, Lisa Laboratory - UMR 6240, University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli


Adriana-Gertruda Romedea, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Luminiţa Roşca, University of Bucharest – Romania

Petronela Savin, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Justine Simon, Elliadd, University of Franche-Comté – France

Vasile Spiridon, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău – Romania

Nolwenn Tréhondart, Crem, University of Lorraine – France

Marie   Michèle   Venturini,   Lisa   Laboratory   -   UMR   6240,   University   of   Corsica   Pasquale

Paoli – France

Jacques Walter, Crem, University of Lorraine - France

MükreminYaman, Atatürk University, Erzurum –Turkey



First call for papers1

25th October 2020

Proposal submission

15th January 2021

Confirmation of proposal

15th February 2021

The conference fee – 60 € (or the equivalent in lei)– covers conference materials, lunch, festive dinner, coffee break refreshments.

20th March 2021

Conference programme dissemination

10th April 2021


15th-16th April

Paper publication

October 2021

1 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference has been re-scheduled in April 2021, so that participants from abroad should be able to come to Romania.


Celebrating Anglophone Cultures has already become a tradition for students and professors from the Faculty of Letters. This year, the celebrations are held on March 16th and we welcome among us both university students and high school students together with their teachers.  


The Faculty of Letters from Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau celebrates the 17th edition of Francophone Day on March 9th, 2017. On this occasion, there are organised translation, creative writing and poster contests  celebrating the language of Molière as well as the staging of the play „Moş Ion Roată şi Unirea” by the student theatre group DE QUOI S’AGIT-IL?


The international conference DISCURSIVE FORMS. DREAM AND REALITY, coordinated by the Faculty of Letters from “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, reunites on 27-29 October 2016 the annual scientific manifestations organised by the research groups within the INTERSTUD (Espaces de la fiction – 12th edition, Logos – the 6th edition, Cultural Spaces - the 6th edition, Gasie – the 4th edition) and CETAL research centres

This unitary project, whose relevance will hopefully find an echo in the scientific and academic communities across our country and other countries, aims to provide the opportunity to have fruitful meetings and interdisciplinary discussions.

Details are provided in the Call for papers.


EFE 2016 (Francophone Summer School - sixth edition), organised on 11-22 July 2016 by Dimitrie Cantemir” Colege, Onesti in partnership with „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau,  Bacau County School Inspectorate, Onesti Mayor’s Office and HELMO (Haute Ecole Libre Mosane), focuses on solidarity, tolerance and friendship.
The activities of the 8 Belgian trainers with Romanian participants are interesting, various entertaining. They use authentic documents for all groups, focusing on activating all language skills: oral and written production, cultural legends specific to Wallonia region and the local region.

The summer school courses will end on July 22 with a performance offered by all students with the Belgian trainers.


On 4-8 May 2016,  the Faculty of Letters from Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau hosts the 10th edition of the francophone international festival                   DU THÉATRE FRANCOPHONE A L’EUROPE « Jouer, communiquer, partager », coordinated by Associate Professor Emilia Munteanu, director of the festival.
In addition to the traditional partners in this project – « Espace(s) de la fiction » Research Group from the Faculty of Letters, this edition was also supported by ABDEF, AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), “Stefan cel Mare” Pedagogical High School Bacau and “Spiru Haret” College Moinesti.
The main performers belong to the francophone student theatre group « De quoi s’agit-il? » (coordinated by Kevin Raynaud and Elodie Peurou) and to the French theatre company « Théâtre des Minuits » (as special guests). 
The project addresses francophone students and lovers of French theatre and language alike, each edition hosting European trainers, animators and theatre companies. The aim is to improve the linguistic competences of Romanian francophone students by direct interaction with French natives, involving them in ludic and artistic activities and to strengthen young people’s motivation to learn French.